菌番号 F.758
- 種別
- 第一集
- 作成者
- 南方熊楠
- 年代
- 1906-10-27
- 関連場所
- 伊作田
- その他詳細
菌名:Laccaria rigida Minakata
F. 758
Among damp fallen leaves in woods, Isaida, Kii. leg. Kumagusu Minakata, October 27 th, 1906.
Laccaria rigida Minakata.
Gregarious, acidulously odourous, taste sweetish, rigid, fragile, juicy. Stem elongated, 1 -2 in. l., - in. thick, curved,or nearly erect, cartilaginous, tough, firm, dingy reddish cinnamon, obsoletely longitudinally rugulose, finely furfura-ceo-velutinous especially near the apex, more or less angular, now subcompressed, subequal, or ventricose, base very obtuse or obtusely tapering, rooting with dark fibres, inside reddish tawny, stuffed then hollow, coarsely spongy, continuous and almost homogeneous with the sporophore, (both cellular in centre with the periphery fibrose) which is equally thin except the disc. Pileus equal or unequal, depressed, umbillicate or pervious at the centre, 1 -2 in. diam., nigrescent when moist at first as drying dusky yellowish cinnamon, variegated with rufous, centre verrucoso-rugulose, thence radially rugulose, till the vein like anastomosing ridges are crossed by other concentrically arranged vein-like wrinkles forming thereby minute pits, and closely and finely furfuraceous under a lens, margin more or less arched, inflexed then straight, entire, scorched, surface more or less repand, firm, fragile, dry, subcoriaceous. Gills apparently decurrent, membranous, dry, dusky cinna-mon pulverulent with whitish spores, giving the aspect of being violetish-cinereous, numerous but rather distant, irregularly in 4-5 ser., thickish thinner towards the bluntish edge. even, becoming crisped, broadish, broadest behind, where up to 4 lin. br., acute at the ends, edge entire, bottom lacunose closely, the interstices obsoletely connected. Mycelium fibrous, coarse, interwoven rufous-brown like the palm fibres, forming a tubercular mass with the particles of the soil at the base of the stem.コメント:キツネタケLaccaria属の未記載種として記載されたもの。学名はきのこの構造が「しっかりした(rigudus)」ことに由来すると思われる。現在ではハイイロカラチチタケLactarius acris Fr. と同定されている(南方熊楠菌誌 2: 344. 1989.)
- 所蔵
- 国立科学博物館/National Museum of Nature and Science
- コレクション
- 南方熊楠菌類図譜
- 記号・番号
- F758
- IIIFマニフェストURI
- https://iiif.kahaku.go.jp/manifests/42672fa2-b248-4d3f-8915-5c46a0e8a3fb.json